Robert Weladji, PhD, Principal Investigator
Professor/ Professeur Titulaire
Graduate Program Director / Directeur des Programmes de Maîtrise et Doctorat
Associate Researcher Zoo de Granby / Chercheur Associé au Zoo de Granby
Current Students
Graduates (Go to individual students’ website for project details)
- Léa Mimeault (MSc student: Impact of habitat loss on elephant habitat use and their interactions with humans around the Campo-Ma’an National Park, southern Cameroon)
- France Anougue (PhD student: Habituation and ecological monitoring of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): for conservation and ecotourism in the Campo-Ma’an National Park, southern Cameroon)
- Narcisse Emile Nana Njila (PhD student- cosupervision with Prof Louis Zapfack at University of Yaoundé 1: Evaluation du taux de renouvellement des macroéléments sur la diversité floristique des forêts tropicales humides)
- Marie Sophie Roy (MSc student – Influence of female reproductive status on mating behaviours of reindeer Rangifer tarandus)
- Hayat Mahdjoub (PhD student – The impact of abiotic and biotic stressors on sexual selection)
- Cassandre Vielle (PhD student – Reciprocal influence of social complexity and altruistic behaviors in Rattus norvegicus living in semi-natural environment)
- Jérémie Moreau (MSc student – Biodiversity of non-human primates in the Campo Ma’an National Park using camera traps)
- Asheley Brydges (MSc student – Effect of supplemental feeding on the life history strategies of reindeer Rangifer tarandus)
Undergraduate students
1-Buddhadeb Biswas
Past students
Louis Lazure, PhD: Cognition of common mammal mesopredators and implications for their management (2017-2023)
Current position: Research Coordinator, Zoo de Granby, Granby
Alexander Boucher, MSc: Factors influencing formant frequencies of rutting male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) vocalisations, and implications for sexual selection (2021-2023)
Current position: Environmental Technician, Strategic Natural Resource Consultants, Port McNeil, BC
Shao Doyon-Degroote, MSc: Ambassador animals welfare: impact of education programs on behavioral and physiological wellbeing (2021-2023)
Current position: Attending Veterinary School at Faculté de Médécine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal
Emily Collins, MSc: Occupancy and activity of sympatric central chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in a multi-use landscape, Campo Ma’an Conservation Area, Southern Cameroon (2020-2022)
Current position: Attending Veterinary School at Faculté de Médécine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal
Isaac B. Djoko, PhD: Interactions Between People and forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis): The case of Campo-Ma’an National Park, Southern Cameroon (2017-2022)
Current position: Naturalist, at Groupe uni des éducateurs-naturalistes et professionnels en environnement (GUEPE), Montreal
Laura Puch, MSc: The role of male vocalizations on sexual selection in reindeer Rangifer tarandus (2020-2022)
Current position: Biologist at Quebec Oiseaux, Montreal
Julienne Therese Bonoan, MSc: Social Network Analysis of female reindeer Rangifer tarandus: Do females associate due to relatedness? (2018-2020)
Current position: Project Administrator, at Lankin Living, Vaughan, Ontario
Keenin R. Coombs, MSc: Mismatch between calf paternity and observed copulations between male and female reindeer Rangifer tarandus (2018-2020)
Current position: PhD student, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University
Catherine Pelletier, MSc: Impact of ultrasounds and visitors’ noise pollution on the behaviour and welfare of captive zoo animals (2017-2019)
Current position: Project manager and nature-interpreter at Fous de Nature, Boucherville
Amélie Paoli, PhD: Breeding phenology of a semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) population in response to climatic variability (2015-2019)
Current position: Owner and Pastry Chef, at “Les Patisseries d’Amelie”, Serrians, France, since February 2022
Louis-Paul-Roger Banoho Kabelong, PhD – cosupervision with Prof Louis Zapfack at University of Yaoundé 1: Evaluation monétaire des services écosystémiques des forêts tropicales humides du Cameroun : cas des forêts sempervirentes et semi-décidues (2014-2019)
Current position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé I & Coordonnateur Technique de l’Organisation pour la Conservation et le Développement (OCD)
Jeffrey Driscoll, MSc: The relationship between operational sex ratio (OSR) and the intensity of competition in reindeer ((Rangifer tarandus L.): the effect of male age (2016-2018)
Current position: Terrestrial Ecologist at 4 Conservations Consulting Services, Toronto.
Julie Beaudin-Judd, MSc: The impact of the open and closed exhibit designs on captive Bennett’s wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) behaviour and visitor experience (2015-2017)
Current position: Biology Lectuer at CDI College, Montreal, QC, Canada
Caitlin Finlay, MSc: The Using behavior and social associations to assess the welfare of a captive flock of Caribbean flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) (2015-2017)
Current position: Support Scientist at Charles River Laboratories, Senneville, QC., Canada
Samuel Tsakem, PhD: Ecological aspects of great apes in the Lobéké National Park (Cameroon) and its surroundings: implications for conservation (2011-2017)
Current position: Deputy Director, School of Wildlife Specialist, Garoua, Cameroon.
Emily Anderson, MSc: The behaviour and welfare of Zoo-housed Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) (2014-2016)
Current position: Zookeeper 1, Assiniboine Zoo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Franco Alo, MSc: The influence of operational sex ratio on the intensity of competition in reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, during rut: an experimental approach (2014-2016)
Current position: Scientific communicator, Ducks Unlimited Canada (National Boreal Program)
Sacha Engelhardt, PhD: Suckling and allosuckling in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): the evolution of sociality and cooperative breeding
Current position: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland
Justin Strong, MSc: Investigation of Personality in Subdominant Male reindeer and its relation to Somatic Cost and Reproductive Success (2013-2015)
Current position: Science Projects Coordinator at FFAW-Unifor (Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union – Newfoundland and Labrador)
Guillaume Body, PhD: Importance of group dynamics on female mating behaviour in reindeer Rangifer tarandus (2010-2014)
Current position: Ingénieur de Recherche Géomaticien et Expert en Analyse Spatiale, at ONCFS (Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage), France
Natasa Djakovic, PhD: Females’ social dynamic and mate choice during rut (cosupervision; 2007-2013)
Current position: Unknown
Natalka Melnycky, MSc : Age and sex specific allometric growth of antlers in Rangifer tarandus: variability in the pattern of resource allocation (2010-2012)
Current position: Wildlife Biologist – Government of Alberta, Department of Environment and Sustainable Resources, Edmonton, Canada
Issac Hébert, MSc : The habitat preference of Newfoundland woodland caribou across range components and scales: implications for management (2010-2012)
Current position: Fisheries Biologist for the Aquatics Research, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough
Alys Granados, MSc : Human-Elephant Interaction and elephant movement patterns in the Bénoué Wildlife Conservation Area, Northern Cameroon (2009-2011)
Current position: Postdoc at the University of British Columbia
Léon L’Italien, MSc : Female mate choice in reindeer: an experimental test of the effects of male characteristics and age structure (2007-2010)
Current position: Biologiste pour la direction de la faune aquatique, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Quebec
C-Jae Morden, MSc: Faecal sampling as a non-invasive population monitoring and management method for reindeer and caribou (2008-2010)
Current position: Research Conservation Specialist at Assiniboine Park Conservancy, Winnipeg, MB
Karine Laflamme-Mayer, MSc: Influence of Environmental Conditions on Sex Allocation in the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor) Population of Mkhuze Game Reserve, South Africa (2008-2010)
Current position:
Sara McCarthy, MSc: Landscape Composition and Configuration Influences Woodland Caribou Calf Recruitment in Newfoundland (2008-2010)
Current position: Wildlife Biologist II, Goose Bay Wildlife Division, Department of Environment and Conservation NL.
Erica Tennenhouse, MSc:Reproductive effort in rutting dominant male reindeer: the influence of mating group composition, age, and rutting period (2008-2010)
Current position: After a PhD from University of Toronto (Department of Anthropology, supervisor: Dr. Joyce Parga), now Freelance Science Writer (
- Sacha Engelhardt, USRA-NSERC summer student 2008, project title: Effects of human disturbance level on flight initiation distance and distance to refuge in foraging grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).
- Stephanie Hewitt, BIOL 490 student 2009, project title: Can morphological traits of horses be a reliable indicator of temperament?
- Sacha Engelhardt, USRA-NSERC summer student 2009 and BIOL 490 student 2009/2010, project title: Allogrooming in captive Mandrills: reciprocity or exploitation? (Granby Zoo)
- Valerie Cournoyer, Biol 490, 2010/2011, project title: Effects of Weather and Time of Day on the Foraging Behavior of Barn Swallows, Hirundo rustica
- Tamara Kalioujny, USRA-NSERC summer student in 2011, Scol 490 student 2011, project title: The Effect of Zoo Visitors on Activity Budgets and Interspecific Interactions in Captive African Herbivores (Granby Zoo)
- Alexandre Ferland, USRA-NSERC summer student in 2011, BIOL 490 student 2012, project title: Behavioural Dynamics of a Captive All-Male Troop of Ring-Tailed Lemurs (Granby Zoo)
- Anna Bratulic, BIOL 490 student 2013, project title: Local weather influence on relative abundance indices for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) south of the St. Lawrence Seaway
- Palig Khatcherian, BIOL 490 student 2013, project title: Activity Budget of Two Captive Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens) During Breeding Season (Granby Zoo)
- Kevin Gauley, Biol 490 student 2013, project title: Activity Budget of Two Captive Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens) Intoduced to a New Exhibit (Granby Zoo)
- Emily Collins, CUSRA summer student 2020, assisting PhD student Louis Lazure.
- Sophie Scattolin, CUSRA summer student 2021, assisting PhD student Louis Lazure.